With constant distraction at our fingertips, our routines around work can add up to days filled with...
Obeying God's call led to transformation for Edgerton Gear, a Wisconsin-based custom gear manufacturer.
Read and these Bible verses with kids to teach work ethic in your household.
In this video, Janet Wilde shares about how her faith informs her work as a homemaker. This video was shown in corporate...
Why I chose that particular night for that particular icebreaker, I’ll never know.
Fourteen-year-old Larissa Heatley, Dallas Willard’s only granddaughter, delivered a personal tribute at his memorial service. She is sharing her message with us today, giving us a sweet, intimate...
Dear Son, Welcome. You're only three days old, so before we get too far, I want to set a few things straight. First of all, your mother is a queen. We will always...
She's pregnant now, finishing her first trimester. Her taste for food is all out of whack, but she still loves pancakes.
God places the lonely in families he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy. But he makes the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land. Psalms 68:6 When I read Psalm 68:6, the...
It’s just a shoe, a pink baby shoe, but it shatters me like glass on the road where I walk, and I can’t go on.
Many cultures throughout the world train people to honor people of older generations, including parents, grandparents, and so on.
Sylvia is married and has two young children. At a recent party, as people exchanged small talk, someone asked Sylvia what she did. "What do I do?" I heard Sylvia say. "I'm a...
Women's work takes many forms. Among the women in the Old Testament, some served as midwives, some as either prostitutes or innkeepers, some as prophets, and one as the leader of the nation...
When we open the Gospel according to Luke, we immediately meet an elderly woman named Elizabeth, the wife of a Jewish priest...
Contraception, unlike many everyday matters, has been a matter of theological and ethical debate, largely among Christians.
In the Western world family is a term applied to any group of people that claim to belong together. It is a freely contracted relationship between individual consenting adults.
Not communicating is an effective expression of rejection that has the intended result—rebuffing the other member of the family.
The old adage “If you don’t know where you’re going you’ll never get there” is an important reason to establish family goals.
One of today’s growing hobbies is “doing your family history.” What is it about this occupation that interests people?
Living together through the thick and thin of everyday life, family members will encounter struggles and stressors all along the way.
Even in this day of fractured families it is widely acknowledged that the family is the primary arena for forming spiritual understanding and moral values.
Why do we have godparents in the first place? What does it mean to be a godparent? How might one live out that role as the child grows up?